孙 震












入选国家高层次青年人才项目、江苏省交通运输行业高层次领军人才培养计划(第二层次)、江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程。担任ASCE Journal of Bridge EngineeringEngineering Structures Structural Control and Health Monitoring Structure and Infrastructure Engineeringg20多个SCI期刊的审稿人。



SCI期刊Structural Control and Health Monitoring 影响因子5.4 、Engineering Failure Analysis(影响因子4)特刊编辑

期刊Data In Brief ESCI,影响因子1.2)编委
















(1) Z Sun, J Santos, E Caetano*, Catarina Miranda Oliveira. Interpreting cumulative displacement in a suspension bridge with a physics-based characterisation of environment and roadway/railway loads. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 2023, 13(2-3), 387-397.

(2) Z Sun, E Caetano, S Pereira, C Moutinho. Employing histogram of oriented gradient to enhance concrete crack detection performance with classification algorithm and Bayesian optimization. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2023, 150, 107351.

(3) Z Sun, M Sun, DM Siringoringo, Y Dong, X Lei. Predicting bridge longitudinal displacement from monitored operational loads with hierarchical CNN for condition assessment. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2023, 200, 110623.

(4) XW Ye, Z Sun*, J Lu. Prediction and early warning of wind-induced girder and tower vibration in cable-stayed bridges with machine learning-based approach. Engineering Structures. 2023, 115261.

(5) Z Sun, XW Ye*, and J Lu. Estimating stay cable vibration under typhoon with an explainable ensemble learning model. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2023, 10.1080/15732479.2023.2165121

(6) X Lei, DM. Siringoringo, Y Dong, Z Sun*. Interpretable Machine Learning Methods for Clarification of Load-Displacement Effects on Cable-Stayed Bridge. Measurement. 2023, 113390.

(7) X Lei; DM. Siringoringo; Z Sun*; Y Fujino. Displacement Response Estimation of a Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected to Various Loading Conditions with One-dimensional Residual Convolutional Autoencoder Method. Structural Health Monitoring. 2023, 22(3), 1790-1806.

(8) QM Zhong, SZ Chen*, Z Sun*, Lu-Chao Tian. Fully automatic operational modal analysis method based on statistical rule enhanced adaptive clustering method. Engineering Structures. 2023, 274, 115216.

(9) Z Sun, D M. Siringoringo, SZ Chen*, J Lu. Cumulative displacement-based detection of damper malfunction in bridges using data-driven isolation forest algorithm. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2023, 143, 106849.

(10) DC Feng, WJ Wang, S Mangalathu, Z Sun*. Condition Assessment of Highway Bridges Using Textual Data and Natural Language Processing- (NLP-) Based Machine Learning Models. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 2023, Article ID 9761154. 

(11) HB Sun, Z Sun*, YF Yao. Hanger replacement and corrosion assessment in a suspension bridge. Structures. 2023, 58, 105501. 


(1) Z Sun*; J Santos; E Caetano. Vision and Support Vector Machine based train classification using weigh-in-motion data. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2022, 27(6): 06022001.

(2) Z Sun; J Santos; E Caetano*. Data-driven prediction and interpretation of fatigue damage in a road-rail suspension bridge considering multiple loads. Structural Control & Health Monitoring. 2022, 29(9): e2997.

(3) Z Sun, XW Ye*. Incorporating site-specific weigh-in-motion data into fatigue life assessment of expansion joints under dynamic vehicle load. Engineering Structures.2022, 255: 113941.

(4) Z Sun; DC Feng*; S Mangalathu; WJ Wang; D Su. Effectiveness assessment of TMDs in bridges under strong winds incorporating machine learning techniques. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 2022, 36(5): 04022036.

(5) Y Zhou*; Y Xia*; Z Sun; Y Fujino. Analytical formulation of the temperature-induced deformation of multi-span suspension bridges. Structural Control & Health Monitoring. 2022, 29(6):e2937.

(6) YW Li;YL Ding*; HW Zhao;Z Sun. Data-driven structural condition assessment for high-speed railway bridges using multi-band FIR filtering and clustering. Structures, 2022, 41, 1546-1558.

(7) K Yang; YL Ding*; HW Zhao; FF Geng; Z Sun. Quasi-static influence line identification and damage identification of equal-span bridges based on measured vehicle-induced deflection. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering. 2022, 17(2), 47–74.


(1) Z Sun; D M. Siringoringo*; Y Fujino. Load-carrying capacity evaluation of girder bridge using moving vehicle, Engineering Structures. 2021, 229, 111645.

(2) SZ Chen, DC Feng*, Z Sun*. Reliability-based vehicle weight limit determination for urban bridge network subjected to stochastic traffic flow considering vehicle-bridge coupling. Engineering Structures. 2021, 247, 113166. 




(1) 2015年江苏省科技进步一等奖(4/11

(2) 2020年辽宁省科技进步一等奖(6/11

(3) 2019年中国振动工程学会科学技术一等奖(10/15

(4) 2022年度ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering期刊杰出审稿人

(5) 2017年中国公路学会科学技术二等奖(7/10

(6) 2017年南京市科学技术一等奖(5/7



